Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Blood on the Moon

The familiar click of her shoes on the stairs as she headed to the lobby sounded exceptionally loud to her own ears. As her foot hit the last step and onto carpet her footfalls were muffled. She smiled and said good night to the security guard as she passed the desk. 

Without thinking she slid the key card over the electronic scanner like she did every night, her thoughts turning elsewhere as she walked towards the door out. She could already feel the full moon before she stepped out the double glass doors. There was the glowing orb illuminating the clouds as the wind blew them lazily by. There was a ring around the moon... a red one.

“Blood on the moon tonight” she whispered to herself as she passed by the flourishing monkey grass reaching out to run her hand through blades absentmindedly “That's an interesting omen.”.

The parking lot had been more full than normal when she had come in earlier so it was a long walk out to her car. Even with the lights and knowing the security cameras were working it was still abit eerie. Click, click, click. Again the sound of her shoes on the pavement seemed too loud. She kept her head up and reached inside her bag, bringing the mace gun into her right hand. Finger on the trigger, ready to aim and squeeze. She could see her car now... just past the white panel van.

“Great, a panel van, like that's not creepy” She thought with dark sarcasm.

Click, click, click. Her footfalls ringing dully in her ears. She kept her pace steady and senses alert. There in front of her loomed the panel van. Definitely creepy. Something about the no windows and cargo netting between the front seats and rear just seemed to make them sinister in nature. It just seemed to loom there like a ghost in the night. Without thinking she stepped closer to the dumpsters.

“I wonder if the guard can see me here” she thought as she shook her head and slipped past the van and dumpsters.

A distant scream pierced the air. Her heart lept unexpectedly as her stomach clinched tightly.
“Okay that was fucked up timing” she muttered to herself as she hit the unlock button on her key chain.

A shadow? What was that she saw? She paused. Shaking her head she steps to her car.
“SHADOW!” her brain screamed as she slipped into the car.

Something was wrong. She pulled the door close and hit the lock button. Something was very wrong. She turns and sees the movement in the backseat. Her heart leaps again as hands reach for her.

Another muffled scream pierces the air followed by the sharply metallic and warm smell of crimson flowing. Dead silence, then a soft sigh sound that turns into a whoosh like the moon is taking a deep breath, sucking in the air all all around. A loud wet sounding pop shatters the deafening quiet. Suddenly the air flows back into the world, the moon exhaling in relief.

A wickedly evil fanged grin flashes in the rear view mirror as the Khornate Daemonette adjusts her seat and situates herself in the car. Her cat like slanted eyes catches her reflection. She grins again and runs her long reptilian like tongue over the viciously sharp teeth. Licking the bright red droplets off her lips and teeth she admires herself... her true self.

“Stupid fucking morons” she says under her breath “they make the blood sacrifices so easy”.

With a few soft words sounding like a sigh her serrated claw like hands reshapes into the 5 digit appendage as she returns to the guise of her human shell.

“...the blood will flow...”  

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Confessions of a she wolf...

Standing in front of the mirror I notice my smudged makeup. My black eyeliner so carefully applied is now looking like some cheesy goth horror chicks badly applied makeup. I notice and begin to admire the bite marks on my shoulder. In the corner of the mirror through the partially cracked bathroom door I can see his naked body languidly laying atop my once fresh crisp clean sheets. His clothes look so fantastic mixed with mine in a heap in my floor. My grin is punctuated with a bite of the lower lip just thinking of how two rounds of the torridly lustful and carnal passions turned my bed into the heap of pillows and disheveled covers. Damn it's good to be a wolf.

I step out of the bathroom and pause to inhale the scent of him, of us. It's heady and intoxicating. He looks up from his phone and smiles. I can feel the chills run through me. He is warm and is body feels amazing as we entangle ourselves in one another. I look up at his face and catch his smile as I run my fingernails down his back and snuggle closer. It's one of those moments where even though a million things pass through my head to say that could fill the silence, somehow our looks and smiles says it all. He wraps his arms even tighter around me and we float in the afterglow.

I had almost began to think there were no wolfs that could handle running with me... that there was only me and the moon. Fate is a strange mistress and life a stranger journey.

It was early spring and the weather was already too warm for mid April. Things had been going slowly for this self employed “she of all trades”. Sales were slow and there wasn't a good feeling in the back of my mind. I was trying to shrug it off and have faith all would be right and business would pick back up. At least maybe one of my businesses would. Work was my main focus.. work and keeping my new life on track. Needless to say the last thing I expected was an email from what turned out to be an absolutely gorgeous stranger.

As with most stories the beginning seemed fairly normal. Well, normal for me, which would be anything but to the populace of the small town I live in. I call myself a “she-of-all-trades” for a reason. The who I was ended up being much more than I realized and the what I love ended up fulfilling all my childhood fantasies.

I always knew I was not exactly normal. I came from a long line of strong mountain women with a secret... one that I wasn't aware of until I found myself in a pagan retreat with powerful teachers, Elders and Coven leaders. It was there I was put in touch with my family heritage, unlocking the power within. It was there I found I was a Wolf.

When I say wolf I mean a full on soul bound werewolf. When I say that it sounds even funny to me. I still think of the iconic images from movies and TV. But it's not like that at all. The extent of what it is I still don't know as I am still learning. Unfortunately the owner's manual doesn't come standard. The moon does effect me in different ways and I am pulled to run and howl in the light of the full moon. I don't go all “wolfed out” with fur and four legs. It's more of a soul transformation with enhances senses and desires... at least for now. For the first time in my life I finally feel whole.

Then there is my work. My main passion is my less conventional career. Yes imagine that.. a newly discovered wolf in a “paranormal” job. I am a healer/intuitive/energy worker. I had been working more cleansings than anything. People needing the proverbial “ghost buster”. Well maybe not in the movie version. It was more of cleansing bad energies, imprints and even what most people would think of as hexes from people's houses or offices. I also do cardology and aura healing. The work in this small town can be sporadic so I also sell jewelry and write resumes, press releases, articles and even profiles for dating sites. It definitely keeps me busy and meeting new people all the time.

Awhile back on a lark with a friend I had signed up for an online dating site. I had found over time that talking to and meeting people from this site was a little like playing Russian Roulette or craps. It was more luck than skill and it was always risky. The message was intriguing with a mildly provocative nature. My interest was peaked. Despite my normal security measures and general paranoia I invited him to my place. There was something... kindred... about him.

.......... to be continued ........

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Neophyte cherry popping

Okay so I have been into RPG's since I was like 12. Tabletop mainly but some online mmo's too (who hasn't played WoW or Halo at this point in their lives). Unfortunately it has been over a year since I have actively been involved with some sort of gaming. Hey no judging me here, it's been a weird year with too much going on to think about a life. Well that and my gaming group kinda went all to hell.. severe personality conflicts.

Then almost 2 months ago I met my now boyfriend. He is into an aspect of gaming I am still a virgin in... miniatures. My only experience in that field comes from Mutant Chronicles .. yes I know  not a real miniature game per say, but well it is a relative of sorts. So of course this made me realize how much I had missed gaming. 

Now while he plays a few different games, Warhammer 40K is the main one. I already have an ongoing love affair with Warhammer the fantasy game, so this teased my attentions back into a excited state. So I have been reading, researching and watching games to learn the rules and points. It is fascinating actually. And now I am reading a phenomenal 40K book called Ciaphas Cain Hero of the Imperium. It has me hooked and helping me learn abit more about the different armies and such as well. Okay so the learning the fluff part (which me being female is always the most interesting part) of the different races. 

I haven't chosen an army yet. I am still debating. I'm also still waiting to get my 40K cherry popped. I really want to play out a game. I learn much better hands in a hands on environment. So at this point I guess I need to have a frank and honest conversation with my boyfriend about popping my cherry.

And yes, not a great first post, but hell it's a post. LOL!